
Dua puluh dua secara rasmi.

I'm officially 22 years old. And 3 days older. Gahh. I wanna be like forever 21 kot. Haha cacat much ey. Thank you for the birthday wishes and dua-s received thru FB, Twitter, sms, whatsapp etc. May happiness will surround you and God bless.

My birthday kali ni murah rezeki. I had received many wishes and dua, I had free foods, I had nice gifts, officemates buat surprise party, family bought me satay which makanlah-sampai-gemuk, boyfriend and bestfriends collaborated buat surpise party again and I'm thankful for these people in my life. Rasa macam nak cakap thank you banyak banyak kali because of their presence :)

Paling tak percaya my second birthday kek, Sapik made it himself. Wah! Terkejut kan? Couldn't believe it too at first tapi terpaksa percaya. He went through all the trouble lah kan nak buat kek tu I guess :3

Sekarang tak ralat sangat dah jadi 22 tahun. Tapi macam biasalah ada benda kena improve. Ada benda kena tinggalkan. Berubah tu sangat senang. Nak stick tu changes been made tu yang susah. But at least we should give it a try.

Okay diri sendiri, selamat hari lahir. Semoga murah rezeki, diampunkan dosa, hidup diberkati, may happiness will surround my family and friends, dan semoga dipermudahkan segalanya in the world and hereafter. Amin amin amin.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you!Moga anda dimurahkan rezeki, dipanjangkan usia dan dipertemukan jodoh yang baik. Amin.

Didiey Fadhilah. said...

happy birthday syida!

Aaja said...

Happy belated birthday :D
May Allah bless you alwayyyy :)

cha said...

comelnya kek. syidaaaaaaaaa apasal i tak tau u tuka url ni pun ntah kt mane i jumpa blog u time google2 td hish