
Jiggling jiggle


What to blog about huh? Life has been wonderful lately (not so, actually, well let's skip it). Macam macam benda berlaku. To be fair, I'm enjoying every tiny little details of event, be it wonderful or not.

So, I got another 3 days of working to go thru. Lepas tu jiggling in the house sampai mid February before going back to UPM for my last semester. I'll be doing my final year project (FYP) which I would likely to have an optimistic thought about it, yes thank you, I dont want to have a negative thoughts on that since I know I can do this.

Lepas dah berhenti kerja ni, I want to relax and and go on vacation, baking, sewing, renovate my room, shopping, and layan tv series back to back. Ahh how nice is that. Not to forget, kena download movies/tv series supaya nanti tak bosan kat UPM cause I've been hearing about UPM's wifi yang macam cacats sikit, so mesti akan bosan. Lagi merimaskan bila fikir sem depan nak buat project tu mesti nak bukak internet selalu. Cuma harapnya dekat fakulti takdelah secacats college area punya internet speed.

On the last posts, I wrote I wanna have few things. Turns out I actually want more. Yes, tamak.

- Vacation - Yes. Soon.
- Shopping - Mega shopping. Yes. Soon.
- Beri parents money - Done. I love this part. Made me feel like dewasa enough.

Okay. I'll figure out the rest later since writing the last part makes me feel happy and I should thank Him for this opportunity.


Jai said...

selamat kembali ke sekolah syida ^^

Syida Shu said...

Alamak lambat lagi! Haha