
Database, post mortem.

Sesungguhnya aku tak mampu nak cakap yang aku betul betul okay lepas paper Database petang tadi. Sebab aku dah dapat agak tapi aku masih nak fikir positif lagi nyohh. Esok pagi paper Security pulak. Kita tengok sampai mana aku boleh jadi positif sebab lusa tu pulak paper Ethic. Sunday pulak paper Staff.

My mind seems want to explode atm sebab paper tadi and nak baca Security lagi. Haih. I really cant focus. Dari petang tadi menengok repeating words again and again. Tak tahu apa nasib untuk paper esok. I cant afford to lose a single mark on the final paper. I want an A. I will get it no matter what.

It feels like I'm dying, surely and slowly. I mean literally. Some might say I'm whining. No. This is where I pour my thoughts. My poor thoughts.

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